Empowering Communities,

Transforming Lives

Support Services | Homecare | Mobile Tutoring

Providing tailored support to help individuals and families overcome barriers to success.

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At Selfless Foundation, we empower individuals and families to overcome challenges and thrive through compassionate, person-centered care. Guided by a commitment to dignity, innovation, and community collaboration, we provide tailored programs that create meaningful, lasting change.

We offer a variety of programs designed specifically to help those who need it most, including underserved and vulnerable communities.

What We Offer

Elevate Logo

Personalized one-on-one support to help individuals thrive and live independently in their communities. 

Bridges Tailored Care Management Logo

Personalized care management  to ensure individuals receive the right support and resources for their well-being.

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Home care services for individuals and families through personalized care by skilled in-home caregivers and nursing aides.

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Accessible, free mobile tutoring for underserved teens ages 13-18 to boost academic performance.

Skills on Wheels Logo

Accessible, free mobile tutoring for underserved youth ages 5-12 to boost academic performance.

Unsure Which Service Is Best For You?

We're here to help...

Whether you’re seeking support or want to refer someone in need, we're here to help. Together, we can build a future of opportunity and hope.

Empowering the Underserved, Building Stronger Communities.

Who We Serve

Children & Teens


in Transition

Individuals w/ Complex Care Needs

Care Seekers/ Custodians



I never thought I’d get my GED, but Selfless made it possible. They helped me stay focused and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved and excited for what’s next!

  Selfless Program Participant

I was confused about where to get help for my disability. Bridges helped me with services and answered all my questions. Now I feel like I have a team on my side.

   Bridges Program Participant

Thanks to Selfless Foundation, I was able to land a full-time job that pays more than I ever thought possible. They helped me with my resume, interview prep, and gave me the confidence I needed to succeed. Now, I’m excited for my future!

  Elevate Program Participant

Our Impact By the Numbers

Discover how we're positively impacting our community.


Individuals Served


Success Rate


Individuals Successfully Placed in a Job

Selfless Gameshow Logo White

An interactive, family-friendly game show where fun meets philanthropy.